Motorized Ball Valves Uses

For applications requiring continuous automatic flow control Motorized Ball Valves (Ceramic-PVC) 2-Wire. You can use them anywhere in your home where you need automatic water control—for example, home water systems, HVAC, water filters, and other automation projects.

These products are a vital piece of equipment in numerous applications. This model opens and closes in 6-8 seconds, and remains in its new position while expending almost no energy. This is a key difference between motorized ball valves and many solenoid valves. Most solenoid valves are energized continuously when in a new position, while motorized valves expend energy only when changing from open to close, or vice versa.

Motorized Ball Valves (Ceramic-PVC) 2-Wire. The Motorized Ball valve is an automated ball valve that uses a motor to control its mechanism.

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