Ozone Generators (Water)

Ozone Generators (Water) is used to:

  • Manufacture chemical compounds via chemical synthesis
  • Clean and bleach fabrics
  • Assist in processing plastics
  • Age rubber samples to determine the useful life of a batch of rubber
  • Eradicate water borne parasites in surface water treatment plants
  • Detoxify cyanide wastes to carbon dioxide from gold and silver mining
  • Kill or neutralize all bacteria in operating rooms between surgeries
  • Disinfect laundry in hospitals, food factories and care homes facilities
  • Deodorize air and objects, such as after a fire or during fabric restoration
  • Kill bacteria on food or on contact surfaces
  • Sanitize swimming pools and spas
  • Kill insects in stored grain Scrub yeast and mold spores from the air in food processing plants
  • Wash fresh fruits and vegetables to kill yeast, mold and bacteria
  • Attack iron, arsenic, hydrogen sulfide, nitrates and complex organics in water
  • Provide an aid to filtration

Primary Advantages to Ozone

  • Ozone is effect over a wide pH range and rapidly reacts with bacteria, viruses, and protozoans and has stronger germicidal properties then chlorination.
  • Has a very strong oxidizing power with a short reaction time.
  • The treatment process does not add chemicals to the water.
  • Ozone can eliminate a wide variety of inorganic, organic and microbiological problems and taste and odor problems.
  • The microbiological agents include bacteria, viruses, and protozoans (such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium).