The high amount of salt in the brine forces the resin beads to give up the sodium and magnesium that are holds at the exchange sites, and take on the sodium ions. The ions are exchanged. When the unit is rinsed, all of the removed calcium and magnesium. Along with the excess salt that forced their removal are washed down the drain. We are left with the charged beads and no excess salt in solution. The soft water contains no additional sodium as the unit is put back online.
It is with a strong acid-based exchange of styrene, sulfonic acid polymer. The reaction of the special procedures uniform size made of plastic-type particles ball. In dealing with the use of soft water has excellent, properties of strength and washing of the response properties of heat resistance, the operation has a high capacity.
Weak acid cation resins can also be used for demineralization and dealkalization. In most water treatment cases; weak acid cation resins are used to remove divalent ions associated with alkalinity. Weak acid cation resins work best when water has a hardness and alkalinity ratio of 1:1 or higher.