4040 2000 GPD Filmtec BW Membrane : WCMEM-BW30 – 4040


Filmtec Brackish Membrane 4040

FILMTEC™ BW30-4040 Elements are an industry standard for reliable operation and production of high quality water in light industrial applications. This element features the thickest feed spacer (34 mil) available in the industry today to lessen the impact of fouling as well as a fiberglassed shell, which is recommended for systems with multiple-element housings containing three or more membranes, as they are designed to withstand higher pressure drops. The element may be cleaned over a wide pH range (pH 1 – 13) for the most effective cleaning.


Used In:

  • Industrial water demineralization
  • Production of municipal drinking water
  • Water reuse


  •  High rejection gives good water quality
  •  Durable with good cleanability for long element life

The Filmtec BW30-4040 membrane is ideal for operating in situations that require high NaCl rejection. To extend service life, this membrane employs crossflow filtration. As matter builds on the membrane surface, incoming water will sweep it away and out through the reject stream. Purified water flows out a separate stream.

4040 2000 GPD Filmtec BW Membrane : WCMEM-BW30 – 4040