Pleated Filter 10 Inch Big Blue



Sediment filters, as the name suggests, are used to remove excess sediment from water that passes through them. Sediment filters do not remove any chemicals or heavy metals dissolved in the water. They also do not affect the taste or smell of the water, so make sure you have a sediment problem before choosing to use one of these filters.

SKU: WC-WT-PF10BB Category: Tag:


Pleated Filter 10 Inch Big Blue

The Basics

Sediment filters, as the name suggests, are used to remove excess sediment from water that passes through them. Sediment filters do not remove any chemicals or heavy metals dissolved in the water. They also do not affect the taste or smell of the water, so make sure you have a sediment problem before choosing to use one of these filters.

When deciding on what rating to go with, there are two factors to keep in mind for sediment filters: the micron number and whether the filter is nominal or absolute. The micron number shows the smallest sediment particle the filter can trap. 1-micron filters can catch the smallest of particles, while 20- or 50-micron filters only catch the largest sediment particles. Nominal filters catch about 85% of particles that are the size of their micron rating or larger, while absolute filters catch 99.9% of those particles. The rating you choose to use is up to personal preference; it all depends on what kind of particles are present in the water. Filters that are excessively tight can lower water pressure, so it’s best to experiment a little to see which type is right for you.

Pleated Filter 10 Inch Big Blue

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