UVC Pro Quartz Tube 32 Watt PRO-08
- Quartz Sleeves are very important components of any stainless steel UV light.
- The UV bulb (Lamp) must never physical contact with the actual water, as this would “short out” the bulb.
- The UVC Pro Quartz Tube 32 Watt PRO-08 create a transparent barrier. Through which the UV light’s rays can pass to neutralize the bacteria in the source water, while preventing the water from ever making physical contact with the bulb.
- In normal circumstances the quartz sleeve should never require replacement, and just requires cleaning with rubbing alcohol from time to time.
- However, if the the quartz sleeve is mishandle or dropped it can crack or shatter.
The UVC Pro Quartz Tube 32 Watt PRO-08
Germicidal lamps are designed to replicate UVC radiation which is proven to have immense disinfection properties. Today, germicidal UVC light applications are the first choice for many industries worldwide that require water, air, or surface disinfection. The UVC rays are generally not an exposure concern because the earth’s atmosphere totally absorbs them. And while all types of UV rays can kill germs, UVC rays provide the most germicidal effect. They can also be produced by special lamps.
The abundance of water as well as its unique physico-chemical properties make water an indispensable industrial asset. However, the overuse of water and the inevitable contamination. Resulting from it require the development of methods of thorough cleaning before water can be recycled or returned to environment. Particularly important are treatments against microbial growth – exponentially growing microbial pathogens and other organisms can severely poison sources of drinkable water, or disrupt environments. For example, ballast water is often taken up on ships at certain locations and then discharged at destinations far away from the original locations. In such cases, the alien, non-indigenous organisms can prove to be a great threat to the environments. An efficient and proven method to decontaminate water from the microbial contaminants is to use ultraviolet (UV) light to destroy their DNA.