UVC Pro Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer

Ultraviolet light (UV) reactors from UVC PRO are excellent value systems with capacities up to 96 l/min. Models are available with separate or integrated ballast, and they use lamps UVC PRO’s own lamps.

UV is able to inactivate pathogens such as giardia and cryptosporidium, which are chlorine-resistant. No disinfection byproducts are generated with UV, such as carcinogenic Trihalomethanes, and it is a safer disinfection option for operators.

What is a UV Sterilizer?

Firstly an ultraviolet light sterilizer is a water filtration process for your home. The system uses UV light to kill bacteria and microorganisms in your drinking water. Because there are no chemicals involved in the process, it is a safe and effective option for filtering your home’s drinking water.

How does it work?

As water flows through the ultraviolet light sterilizer, it is exposed to UV light from special lamps. The frequency of the UV rays that are emitted kills the bacteria by destroying the DNA of the microorganisms. This means that the microorganisms can no longer duplicate. This process is effective against viruses, e. coli, bacteria, giardia, and other harmful microorganisms, and it is also good for killing harmful microorganisms that are resistant to chlorine.

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